Firebird Flight Wiki: Filesystem Navigation
Firebird Flight

Linux Filesystem Navigation

1. Introduction

Navigating the filesystem is fundamental to using any Linux environment. In this guide, we explore some of the most common commands for moving around directories and listing/managing their contents.

2. Common Commands

Below are five essential commands for Linux filesystem navigation: pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, and rmdir. Each command’s usage and flags are highlighted below.

2a. pwd

pwd stands for “Print Working Directory.” It displays the absolute path of the current directory you’re in.

Command / Flag Description
pwd Shows the absolute path of your current directory.
pwd -L Prints the logical path, preserving symbolic links.
pwd -P Prints the physical path, resolving all symbolic links.
Table 1: Common pwd Usage

2b. cd

cd (change directory) lets you move from your current directory to another. When used without arguments, it returns you to your home directory.

Usage / Flag Description
cd [directory] Moves you into the specified [directory].
cd No arguments: returns you to your home directory (~).
cd - Switches back to your previously visited directory.
cd .. Moves up one level to the parent directory.
Table 2: Common cd Usage

2c. ls

ls lists the contents of a directory. Various flags alter the scope (e.g., hidden files) or how details are displayed.

Flag Description
-a Shows all files, including those starting with ..
-l Long format; displays permissions, owner, size, modification date.
-h Used with -l; shows sizes in human-readable form (KB, MB, etc.).
-la Combines -l and -a, listing hidden files in long format.
Table 3: Common ls Flags

2d. mkdir

mkdir (make directory) creates a new folder. The -p flag allows nested directories to be created as needed.

Flag / Usage Description
mkdir [name] Creates a directory named [name] in the current path.
mkdir -p [path] Creates parent directories as needed (e.g., /path/to/dir).
Table 4: Common mkdir Usage

2e. rmdir

rmdir (remove directory) deletes an empty directory. If the directory has contents, you’ll need rm -r or another command.

Flag / Usage Description
rmdir [dir] Removes the empty directory [dir].
rmdir -p [path] Removes parent directories if each becomes empty. E.g., rmdir -p /path/to/dir removes dir, then to, if they are empty.
Table 5: Common rmdir Usage

3. Conclusion

With pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, and rmdir in your toolkit, you can navigate and manage directories comfortably in most Linux environments. Learning these basics paves the way for more advanced operations on a Unix-like system.